Skinphinity Aesthetics Clinic Tarporley Cheshire

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Why would I consider a chemical peel?

As we age, the sun undoubtedly starts to shows its effects. Our skin becomes more loose and saggy, pigmented “age spots” start to appear, melasma darkens, freckles increase in number and intensity and so on.

There is cumulative damage over a lifetime, and things such as Botox and Fillers only go so far in improving appearance.

Indeed I often say to people it is pointless having Botox and fillers if the skin overlying is significantly damaged, which will be a huge distraction to the beautiful structure created from expertly placed dermal fillers.

Therefore I will discuss, where appropriate, the use of medical grade skin care, skin brightening products, and anti-ageing formulations such as vitamin A (retinol), vitamin C and Hydroquinone, some of which are prescription only.

So why is a peel needed? Can’t I just use serums and creams?

Sometimes the damage and pigmentation is at a depth too deep for topical serums to reach, and the extent of damage is too vast. It’s like hoovering a carpet, vs getting a deep clean from a professional company! Some patients will benefit from a stronger treatment, with medical grade ingredients and acids that are more potent, to penetrate deeper and have a more powerful impact.

I introduced The Perfect Peel to Skinphinity in 2022 which is a medics only chemical peel, a fantastic unique peel containing a blend of lower strength acids. This is important as rather than being so intense with just one high strength acid, we get the benefit of less downtime and discomfort, but with great results.

The Perfect Peel is classed as a “medium depth peel”.

OK, so how do I know if I need this?

I am always happy to offer skin advice and often see I can optimise my patients skin routine, but if there is severe pigmentation, sun damage or acne then The Perfect Peel might be for you. I will give you an honest opinion if I think it is right for you. However, you must be prepared to commit to a few sessions for optimal outcomes and be willing to go through the peeling process.

Illustration of how the Perfect Peel can lighten pigmentation.

So what is the peeling process / what downtime should I expect?

At the clinic in Tarporley you will have a 30minute appointment where the consent form is signed, photos are taken, skin is cleaned and then the peel is applied which only takes a few minutes.

The next couple of days require wiping the skin with some retinol wipes which are provided.

From day 3 onwards the peeling begins - the skin can feel uncomfortable, tight, red etc. Layers of skin literally shed over the coming days.

Moisteriser is provided too and this should be liberally applied at this stage, sunscreen used along with sun hat and general avoidance of the sun is possible.

By day 7-10 peeling is complete and your skin will be looking fantastic.

ALL Skin types can have the perfect peel.

Bear in mind for pigmentation and scarring you should ideally try and repeat the peel every 4 weeks for 3 sessions and then we can review how the pigmentation is doing - and sunscreen/protection from future pigmentation returning needs to be a life long habit!

A fantastic FAQ provided by the company is accessible here:,and%20will%20reveal%20considerable%20improvements.

This patient had the Perfect Peel at Skinphinity in Tarporley, and this image is showing the stages of redness and peeling occurring over the first 10 days.

The cost of the Perfect Peel is £299 at Skinphinity in Tarporley.

It is a Medics only peel and so this product is only available in clinics run by Doctors and nurses.

Written by Dr Adam Cheong

Dr Adam Cheong is a GP and the medical director of Skinphinity, the doctor-led aesthetics clinic covering Tarporley, Northwich, Chester, Tarvin, Bunbury, Nantwich and surrounding villages in Cheshire.

Consultations are £15 and there is no pressure to have any treatment.

Dr Adam is a fully registered and highly regulated GMC doctor.

GMC Number 7079895